Solid Modeling and Dimensional Drawings

Solid modeling is a form of modeling where the scale is 1:1. This is mostly used in manufacturing, and in this instance it was used to create dimensional drawings. The drawings are posted on the gallery and within other instructional documents. All modeling created in Solidworks 3D CAD program. The basic steps for Solidworks modeling are below.

Define Parametric Modeling: Solidworks is a parametric modeling 3D CAD software. Parametric modeling is a modeling process with the ability to change the shape of model geometry as soon as the dimension value is modified. Parametric modeling is implemented through the design computer programming code such as a script to define the dimension and the shape of the model. The geometry is measured with calipers and specifically entered into sketches.

Create a sketch: Use the sketch tools to create a 2D outline of the product’s shape. This will serve as the foundation for the 3D model. You can create the sketch directly in Solidworks or import a sketch from an external file.

Add dimensions: Once the sketch is complete, add dimensions to define the size and shape of the product. This will ensure that the model is accurate and can be easily modified if necessary.

Extrude the sketch: Use the extrude tool to turn the 2D sketch into a 3D model. Extrude the sketch to the desired depth and shape.

Add features: Use Solidworks’ feature tools to add additional details and features to the model. This can include fillets, chamfers, holes, and cuts.

Save and export the model: Save the model and export it to the desired file format, such as STEP or STL. This model was used for dimensional drawings and saved out as JPEGs for the eCommerce website.

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